Do you know what I like with marketing?

It’s changing all the time… Even if most of the fundamentals don’t really change, new techniques and solutions are brought on the market everyday to do more and more things in our companies. 

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of our profession, it’s clear that 2024 isn’t just another year. It’s more like a thrilling roller coaster ride in the world of marketing, packed with twists and turns we’ve never seen before. 

So, even if I’m not a medium, and even if I’m not using any crystal ball while writing these lines, here is the top trends I think we should experience in the next year:


1- AI-Powered Solutions – It’s Not Sci-Fi Anymore

The rapid advancement in AI solutions like ChatGPT and Midjourney is revolutionizing the marketing world. These tools are not just about fancy tech; they’re practical workhorses boosting team productivity by automating text, image, sound, and even video creation. 

Midjourney AI generated image with ‘messed up hands’ (Source: Twitter @mileszim)

Sure, they’re not perfect – hello, bugs and glitches! – but they’re evolving. 

Each update brings us closer to more refined, efficient solutions. As we step into 2024, expect to see even more sophisticated AI tools entering the market, ready to take our marketing strategies to new heights.

2- Navigating the Data Privacy Maze

Data privacy and compliance are set to be significant trends in 2024’s marketing landscape. 

As regulations like GDPR continue to evolve, marketers must navigate this complex field with precision and care. The focus should be on understanding and adhering to these regulations, ensuring transparent data practices, and securing customer data. 

Some companies (like the one I’m working for) have already turned off solutions that were hosting data outside Europe (Goodbye Google tools…).

If you’re specifically working for an IT company, keeping a close eye on that topic may help you to keep the trust of your customers. Concerning the other kind of companies, I’m not saying it’s less important, but you’d certainly have more freedom to do whatever you want, without any big risk. 


3- The Reign of Video Content

Video content in marketing is like the king of the digital content kingdom, reigning supreme and unchallenged. It’s the charismatic leader that captures attention, engaging audiences in ways that text or images alone can’t match. 

Think of it as the Swiss Army knife in your marketing toolkit – versatile, engaging, and incredibly effective. Incorporating video into your strategy isn’t just a good idea; it’s essential to stay relevant. 

From explainer videos to live streams, the possibilities are as vast as your creativity. 

And let’s not forget the powerhouse of the video realm: short-form video content.

It’s like the quick, witty friend who gets the party started – short, snappy, and to the point. They’re not just easy to produce but also catch more eyeballs than their longer counterparts. However, making them engaging, especially in a B2B context, requires a dash of humor – a tricky ingredient not every brand can master. I’m even considering jumping on this bandwagon and creating some short, fun videos about marketing. Because why not? If you can’t beat them, join them, right?

4- Content Automation – The Lazy Marketer’s Dream?

I mentioned it in the first point: AI solutions helped us, marketing professionals, to automate a lot of tasks during 2023. We’re able to generate a lot of content already and it should continue this way. It’s not about being lazy, but about being smart. Tools powered by AI (especially Chat-GPT, Bard and others) are revolutionizing the way we create content. They can generate everything from social media posts to blog articles at the click of a button. 

But, here’s the catch: with everyone using these tools, the competition is getting fiercer (Hello to SEO aficionados). Standing out now means not just producing content, but crafting it with a unique flair that automation tools can’t replicate (If you’re a startup and looking for solutions to improve your SEO, check my dedicated article here). 

5- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow – The Ephemeral Content Trend

We talked about content already but here’s a new phenomena that may complete “normal” content. Ephemeral content is like the shooting stars of the digital marketing sky – brilliant, captivating, and sadly, short-lived. 

this gif is not sponsored :p

This trend of content that vanishes after a brief moment is all about capturing the immediacy of the moment. Think Instagram Stories or Snapchat Snaps. The key to leveraging this trend is creating content that’s not just timely but also engaging enough to make an impact before it disappears. It’s about striking the right balance between spontaneity and strategy, ensuring your message resonates quickly and memorably with your audience.

In the era of content snacking, where audiences prefer quick, digestible content, ephemeral content fits perfectly. People are increasingly engaging with short, fleeting content rather than committing to longer forms. For companies, this means adapting to a strategy that favors regular, brief, and engaging ephemeral content over less frequent, long-form content. This shift not only aligns with the audience’s changing preferences but also ensures that the content is more likely to be seen, engaged with, and remembered, even if it’s just for a moment.


6- Customer Experience – The New Battleground

In the marketing world, customer experience (CX) has become the new battleground. It’s where brands either flourish or flounder. A great CX is like a magnet, pulling customers in and keeping them loyal. On the flip side, a poor CX can push them away faster than a bad internet meme. It’s about creating an experience that’s not just satisfying, but also memorable and unique to your brand. 

In my opinion, top CX movers should focus on these top trends in 2024:

  • Geotargeting & Personalization: This involves tailoring marketing content based on the geographical location of customers. It enhances personalization by delivering relevant offers and information that resonate with local preferences and cultural nuances.
  • Omnichannel Engagement: Create a seamless customer journey across various channels, ensuring consistent and integrated experiences whether online, in-app, or in-person.
  • Proactive Customer Support: Leverage technology like conversational chatbots and predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and offer solutions before issues escalate, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

7- Chasing Real Growth, Not Just Leads and MQLs

I think more and more companies are realizing that chasing vanity metrics like leads and Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) doesn’t always translate into real growth. 

It’s time to shift focus towards demand generation, a strategy that goes beyond the surface level of lead generation. This approach is about creating a sustainable pipeline of interest and engagement, not just numbers. 

It involves understanding and nurturing potential customers’ needs over time, building a foundation for long-term business success. This balanced approach emphasizes quality over quantity, ensuring that efforts are aligned with genuine growth and customer satisfaction.


8- Going Green or Going Home

In the world of marketing, ‘going green’ is no longer just a trend, it’s a mandate, they say. It’s about showing that your brand doesn’t just exist for profit, but also for purpose. This shift towards sustainability and social responsibility is like adding a green thread to the fabric of your brand’s narrative. 

But let’s be real for a moment: While these terms are tossed around like confetti, I can’t help but be a bit skeptical. Often, ‘going green’ seems more like a trendy buzzword than a genuine commitment, a convenient tool for companies to polish their image rather than a true dedication to the planet. It’s crucial to sift through the marketing fluff and identify who’s really making a difference and who’s just riding the eco-friendly bandwagon.

This is it… You have my own personal list.

What are your thoughts on these trends? How do you plan to integrate them into your strategies in 2024? I’m already adapting my 2024 strategy and most of them should be addressed. What about you? Did I forget some elements?


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