I agree with you… Customer communication may not be the most exciting topic, but trust me – it’s one of the keys to success. 

In the world of customer experience, timely and effective communication is everything. It can make or break your business, and I’m not just saying that to scare you. 

Think about it: have you ever had a negative experience with a business because of poor communication? It happens all the time. 

What’s behind “customer communication”?

Let’s face it, folks – if you’re not communicating with customers effectively, you’re missing out on big bucks. 

Take it from me, I once ordered a pizza and never received any updates on the delivery status. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper when my cold pizza finally arrived.

But that’s just one small example of how poor communication can lead to negative customer experiences and lost business. 

Imagine a customer trying to make a purchase, but they can’t get a straight answer from your team. Frustrating, right? Now, flip the script – imagine a customer who gets timely and accurate updates throughout the process. They’re going to be thrilled and much more likely to return in the future. 

The benefits of timely and effective communication are clear: increased customer satisfaction, customer trust and loyalty, and ultimately, revenue. 

Plus, you’ll be able to stand out from the competition – trust me, there are a lot of businesses out there that aren’t communicating with customers effectively. According to PEGA, 67% of them felt that companies don’t effectively communicate with them through their preferred channels

Don’t be the business that loses customers because of unanswered questions or vague responses. Instead, be the business that wows customers with top-notch communication skills. 

How to communicate with your customers

Alright, it’s time to get down to business and talk about how to communicate with customers like a pro. Here are some practical tips to get you started:

  1. Be clear and concise: nobody likes vague answers or jargon.
  2. Use your customer’s preferred communication channel: whether it’s email, phone, or carrier pigeon.
  3. Respond promptly: no one wants to wait days for a response.
  4. Use positive language: positivity goes a long way in customer communication.
  5. Personalize your communication: make the customer feel like they’re not just another number.
  6. Anticipate their needs: if you know the customer well enough, you can predict their next question.
  7. Be honest and transparent: customers appreciate honesty, even if it’s not what they want to hear.
  8. Keep them informed: give regular updates on the status of their order or project.
  9. Listen actively: don’t just hear the customer, really listen to what they’re saying.
  10. Use technology to your advantage: tools like chatbots or automated messaging can help streamline communication.

Maybe your customers won’t thank you for it (who does this nowadays, anyway?) but they wouldn’t and couldn’t criticize your approach!

Importance of technology

I mentioned technology on the 10th tip… I think I need to dig it up because it’s a very important one. There are a lot of customer experience technologies out there, which are basically a ton of tools that can help you communicate with customers more efficiently and effectively. Here are some of the best examples I’m using today at work:


AI chatbots can be a lifesaver when it comes to customer communication. They’re the little helpers you never knew you needed! By providing instant answers and support, chatbots can help improve response times and reduce your employee workload, all while keeping your customers happy.

Contact Center

A contact center is the epicenter of customer communication! Basically, it’s a central hub where all customer inquiries and issues are handled. By utilizing a contact center, businesses can provide a more streamlined and efficient communication process, all while improving customer satisfaction. It’s a win-win!

Social medias

You certainly have a Facebook (even if no one is there anymore, they said) or Linkedin account but, to resume this channel, let’s say that social media are a virtual playground where customers and businesses can hang out together! By using social media to communicate with their customers, businesses can improve their reach and engagement, all while showing off their personality (and it’s one of the ways to reach better personalized customer experience, remember?). 

And now, with the help of social media automation tools, managing all those tweets and posts has never been easier! These tools (like Agorapulse, Loomly or Statusbrewl) can help businesses schedule posts, track engagement, and even respond to messages automatically. It’s like having a personal social media assistant – without having to pay for their coffee!

Email marketing

Sending emails is a very old but still suite efficient way to communicate with customers directly through targeted email campaigns, newsletters, and promotions. By sending the right message at the right time, businesses can improve customer engagement and build long-term relationships. Like social media, some email marketing builders (Moosend, Mailerlite or Omnisend) and automation tools (Drip, Iterable or Autopilot), now allow you to manage your campaigns even more easily than ever. 

You can create stunning emails with drag-and-drop editors, automate your messages based on customer behavior, and track your success with detailed analytics. Remember “Josh”, the intern you had last semester who complained all the time about opening rates and CTR? These solutions are now doing a much better job and never complain or argue about it!

Feedback software

It’s a platform that allows customers to share their thoughts, opinions, and feedback directly with your business. By giving customers a voice, you have a direct contact with them to learn what they think of you.

  • If their opinion is good: you can collect their feedback and use it as a way to feel more credible and trust-worthy for prospective customers. 
  • If their impression is not: you can maybe fix the issue – improving your product or services – and restore the relationship.


Webinars are virtual classrooms where you get to be the teacher and your customers get to be the students. They’re a fairly good way to showcase your expertise, build trust and authority. By providing valuable content, you can engage with your audience in a meaningful way and foster relationships that lead to long-term loyalty. Plus, with the ability to interact in real-time through polls, Q&A sessions, and live chats, you can get valuable feedback and insights. 

With these customer communication solutions, you’ll be able to provide top-notch support and keep customers engaged and informed. Plus, you’ll be able to save time and streamline your communication process. It’s a win-win! So, don’t be afraid to embrace new technologies… 

Communication, Communication… But what about Marketing?

Ah, marketing… The land of catchy slogans and flashy ads. But did you know that effective customer communication can make or break your marketing efforts? 

It’s true! Without understanding your customers and their needs, your marketing strategies are basically shots in the dark. But don’t worry, I won’t leave you in the dark for long 🙂

Let’s take a look at some real-life examples. Remember when Pepsi released that cringeworthy ad featuring Kendall Jenner? 

It caused an uproar because it completely missed the mark on what their customers cared about. 

Some months ago (as i’m writing these lines), Bud Light – which wanted to “market to all” (understand, including LGBTQ+ people) alienated its main consumer segment with just one influencer video… You can be you can be for or against, the result is the same and the brand is about to lose its status as the country’s top selling beer

In contrast, the Dove “Real Beauty” campaign was a huge success because it resonated with their customers and promoted a message they could get behind:

So how does customer communication tie into all of this? 

Well, by understanding your customers’ wants and needs, you can create marketing campaigns that truly speak to them. That’s why it’s important to incorporate customer communication into your overall marketing strategy.

Take Apple, for example: They have built a loyal customer base through their excellent customer service and clear communication about their products. They use customer feedback to constantly improve their products and marketing strategies.

Another great example is Amazon: They have mastered the art of personalized marketing by using customer data to suggest products that their customers are more likely to purchase. They also use customer reviews to build trust with potential buyers.

Customer communication is not just a nice-to-have but a must-have in today’s competitive world.

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