I’m no stranger to the wonders (and occasional blunders) of generative AI tools. Over the last 1,5 years, I’ve seen my fair share of innovations that promise to revolutionize our industry. 

But every so often, something comes along that makes me sit up, push my cup of tea aside (a risky move before 10 AM), and pay attention. 

Enter OpenAI’s latest marvel: Sora, a text-to-video diffusion model that’s been causing quite the stir in our digital playground.

Now, before you roll your eyes and think, “Great, another tool to learn,” let me paint you a picture. Imagine being able to generate minute-long videos from nothing but a text prompt. 

Yes, you heard that right. No more endless hours of sourcing footage, no more back-and-forth with video production teams, and certainly no more settling for less-than-perfect visuals because, well, deadlines. 

Sora promises to be the Swiss Army knife in our ever-expanding toolkit, potentially turning our wildest marketing dreams into pixel-perfect realities.

But as with all great powers, there comes great responsibility (and a healthy dose of skepticism).

After the development of Chat GPT’s features to public in end 2022, we’ve seen so many other related tools – some proposing to generate videos from nothing also, with… as far as I can say, unconvincing results… 

So let’s have a look at what Open AI has to show us…

What is Sora?

In the simplest terms, Sora is like a genie in a bottle for marketers and content creators. It’s a sophisticated AI model that can take a string of text—your wish, if you will—and transform it into a video up to a minute long. Imagine typing “a japanese classy woman, wearing a black leather jacket, walking in the streets of Tokyo by night” and getting a video that brings this scene to life. That’s Sora for you:

The magic behind Sora lies in its ability to understand and interpret text prompts, then generate video content that’s not just coherent but visually stunning. It’s built on the shoulders of giants, leveraging the latest in AI and machine learning technologies to create something truly revolutionary.

Potential and limitations

As a growth marketing manager, I see endless possibilities with Sora. From creating dynamic ad content on the fly to producing engaging social media videos that resonate with our audience, the potential applications are vast. It’s like having a video production team at your fingertips, ready to bring your creative visions to life without the usual constraints of time, budget, or resources.

However, it’s important to approach Sora with a balanced perspective. While it’s incredibly powerful, it’s not without its limitations. Currently, Sora can struggle with complex physics or accurately capturing spatial details, which means it might not always get things right. But, let’s be honest, which AI tool actually does (aside from boost.ai’s chatbot, for sure)? The beauty of AI and machine learning is that they evolve. Today’s limitations are tomorrow’s challenges to overcome.

How to test Sora?

After whetting your appetite with the possibilities that Sora brings to the table, you’re probably itching to dive in and start experimenting yourself. Trust me, I’m right there with you, tapping my fingers impatiently on the desk.

But, as with all good things, there’s a bit of a waiting game involved. As of now, Sora is like that exclusive club everyone wants to get into but hasn’t quite opened its doors to the public yet.

OpenAI is currently in a phase they’re calling “red-teaming” with Sora. This means they’re putting it through rigorous tests to ensure it doesn’t produce harmful or inappropriate content. It’s a crucial step, given the potential impact of generating realistic videos on demand.

But don’t let the “not yet available” status dampen your spirits. OpenAI is collaborating with a select group of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers to refine Sora. This feedback loop is essential for ensuring that when Sora does become available, it will be a tool that not only meets but exceeds our creative and ethical expectations.

While waiting for your chance to test Sora, there’s plenty you can do to prepare. Start by brainstorming creative concepts or campaigns where video content generated by Sora could be a game-changer. Think about the types of prompts you might use, the storytelling possibilities, and how these could align with your marketing goals.

Impact on your marketing team?

As we stand on the brink of integrating Sora into our marketing strategies, it’s time to ponder the broader implications of this technological leap. If the tool matches its promises, it’s about reimagining the way we create, distribute, and conceptualize video content. For marketing teams, this means a shift towards more dynamic, personalized, and engaging content that can be produced at a fraction of the current time and cost

The question of how AI tools like Sora will impact the job landscape within marketing is a hot topic: Will roles evolve, or will they be replaced? 

It’s a complex issue that deserves a deep dive. In another of my blog articles, I tackle this very question: “Will Marketing Jobs Be Automated?“, replaced by AI for instance. 

The answer isn’t straightforward, but one thing is clear: as marketing professionals, our ability to adapt, learn, and leverage these new tools will be crucial. Sora promises to open up new avenues for creativity and efficiency, but it’s up to us to navigate this new landscape wisely, ensuring that we enhance our skills and roles in tandem with these advancements.

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