Hey there! 

Today, I’d like to talk a bit about the customer experience journey.

Why? You may ask…

Because the ins and outs of creating extraordinary experiences are a bit hard to define, even for me. And don’t pretend you don’t care! As soon as you’re trying to sell something to someone online, that’s definitely something you should care about. 

So let’s try to uncover the secrets behind each touchpoint, understanding how they contribute to shaping our customers’ perceptions. 


Let’s get started!

What’s a Customer Experience Journey?

Imagine being on a quest to discover a product or service that fulfills your desires, an epic saga, encompassing every step you take along the way.

The customer experience journey is the complete set of interactions and experiences that a customer goes through when engaging with a brand or company. It starts from the initial awareness or research phase and continues throughout the entire customer lifecycle. It involves touchpoints such as browsing a website, making a purchase, receiving customer support, and post-purchase interactions.

Customer Journey vs. Customer Experience

In the realm of customer-centric strategies, these two mighty concepts stand tall. While they may sound similar, they possess distinct qualities that warrant closer examination.

The customer journey is the chronological path a customer takes when engaging with a brand, from the initial point of contact to the final transaction. It outlines the series of touchpoints and interactions that shape their decision-making process

Think of it as a roadmap, guiding customers through various stages such as awareness, consideration, purchase, and loyalty: 

On the other hand, the customer experience delves into the emotional and psychological aspects of each touchpoint along the journey. It encompasses the feelings, perceptions, and overall satisfaction that customers derive from their interactions

Unlike the linear nature of the b2b customer journey, the customer experience is more dynamic, capturing the holistic impact of each interaction on customer loyalty and advocacy.

While the customer journey focuses on the what and when, the customer experience explores the how and why. It’s like comparing a mere itinerary to a thrilling adventure. Both are important, but it’s the customer experience that creates the magic, leaving a lasting impression in the hearts of customers.

Now we’re clear with concepts… What about trying applying some personalization on it?

Customer journey personalization

Personalizing the customer journey on a website is crucial for engaging potential clients and guiding them seamlessly from initial awareness to loyalty. Tailoring the experience at each stage of the journey ensures that interactions are relevant and meaningful, directly impacting the likelihood of conversion and repeat business. 

This… is what I’m working on these days… so this is a hot topic for me. I’m just gonna share me the B2B customer journey map I’m using as a model: 

Awareness Stage

Objective: The primary goal at this stage is to educate web users about their own pain points, clarifying and insisting on their problems before proposing them a solution: YOUR solution. 


  • Navigation: Ensure easy navigation and layout to relevant information about their problems and push to any relevant content you may have in stock to help them identify their problems. 
  • Content: Create high-quality, educational content that addresses common problems or questions your target audience might have. Include blog posts, industry reports, infographics and eventually free tools they may use. 
  • CTA: Use calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage visitors to learn more, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a whitepaper.

KPIs to Monitor: Visit Duration, Bounce Rate, Downloads, Email signups, Visitor to Lead. 

Consideration Stage

Objective: Now that you’ve captured their interest, help potential clients understand why your solution is the best fit for their needs. This stage is about deepening engagement and nurturing leads.


  • Navigation: Facilitate access to comparison guides, case studies, and detailed descriptions. Consider segmented landing pages for different b2b buyer personas.
  • Content: Provide detailed content that showcases your expertise and the unique value proposition of your products/services. Use case studies, testimonials, and detailed product information.
  • CTA: Encourage visitors to take the next step with CTAs like “Watch a Demo”. 

NB: You could consider asking them to “Book a demo” now but at this stage, it’s probably too early for that. They’re considering several solutions and they’re usually not ready yet to go further.

KPIs to Monitor: Visit Duration (on product pages), demo video views, demo page visits, Lead to MQL.

Conversion Stage

Objective: The focus here is on converting leads into customers. This involves providing all the necessary information and support to make the purchasing decision as straightforward as possible.


  • Navigation: Streamline the path to purchase with a clear and simple checkout process or easy access to a contact form for custom inquiries.
  • Content: Offer clear pricing, FAQs, and a strong value proposition. Include live chat or a chatbot for real-time inquiries to reduce purchase friction.
  • CTA: Use strong, action-oriented CTAs like “Buy a personalized demo” or “Start Your Free Trial” – if you’re offering it.  

KPIs to Monitor: demo requests, MQL to SQL, sales growth, time to conversion.

Loyalty Stage

Objective: After conversion, the goal shifts to retaining customers and encouraging repeat business and referrals. This stage focuses on customer satisfaction and engagement.


  • Navigation: Provide easy access to support, account management, and resources for existing customers. Consider a dedicated customer or a community portal.
  • Content: Offer valuable content and resources for customers to get the most out of your product or service like user guides, tutorials, and case studies of successful use cases. In my company, we’re offering access to a good academy platform) where customers can learn everything they need to use the solution). Include user guides, tutorials, and case studies of successful use cases.
  • CTA: Encourage feedback and ongoing engagement with CTAs for survey participation, feedback forms, and invitations to exclusive webinars or events.

KPIs to Monitor: Customer retention rate, repeat purchase rate, Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer lifetime value (CLV).

Personalizing your B2B customer journey is not just about enhancing user experience—it’s a strategic approach to foster engagement, drive conversions, and build lasting loyalty. By tailoring navigation, content, and calls-to-action to meet the specific needs and interests of potential clients at each stage of their journey, businesses can significantly improve their chances of success. 

Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) at each stage allows businesses to measure success and identify areas for improvement. This data-driven approach ensures that strategies can be adjusted over time to meet evolving customer needs and market trends. 

I’m still rather new , covering this topic but I’ll try to share some of the first results i’ll get from my experiments. Stay tuned 🙂!

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