Ever heard about SEO strategists? Considering myself as one of them for a little bit more than 16 years, I share you EVERYTHING I know about it 🙂

In the world of digital marketing, one element has consistently held its ground as a game-changer:

I’ve always loved that meme

SEO is the intricate process of enhancing a website’s visibility to secure higher rankings on search engines such as Google or Bing (but mostly Google, let’s be frank a minute). 

It’s a cornerstone of any successful digital marketing strategy, as it directly influences a website’s visibility, the volume of traffic it attracts, and ultimately, its commercial success.

My journey into the captivating realm of SEO began 16 years ago, quite by chance. I had just started working at an SEO agency, a fresh-faced enthusiast ready to dive into the world of digital marketing. At the time, I was aware of SEO as a concept, but I hadn’t yet grasped its profound impact on the digital landscape.

As I delved deeper into my role at the agency (Hello to survivors of AF Referencement), I began to understand the transformative power of SEO. The thrill of seeing our clients’ websites climb the rankings and the tangible impact on their business success was exhilarating. 

Rules were different as the techniques to be visible on result pages but this initial exposure to SEO ignited a passion within me. I was captivated by the blend of creativity and analytics, the constant evolution of search engine algorithms, and the satisfaction of connecting businesses with their target audience in the vast digital expanse. I decided then and there to dedicate my career to mastering SEO.

Over the past 16 years, I’ve honed my skills as an SEO strategist, working with a diverse range of companies and facing unique challenges along the way. The landscape of SEO is ever-changing, but the core objective remains the same – optimizing digital presence to facilitate meaningful connections between businesses and their potential customers. As an SEO strategist, that’s the goal that drives me every day.

Role of an SEO strategist

As an SEO strategist, my role is multifaceted and dynamic, encompassing a wide range of tasks and responsibilities. At its core, the job involves optimizing websites to improve their visibility on search engines. This involves a deep understanding of how search engines work, the factors they consider when ranking websites, and the strategies that can be used to influence these rankings:

  • Keyword Research – identifying the words and phrases that potential customers are using to search for products or services like yours, and then optimizing your website to rank for these keywords. It’s a delicate balance of understanding the language of your audience and the algorithms of search engines.
  • Technical SEO optimizing the content and structure of your website, especially improving crawlability, indexability and site speed. It also involves ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using their smartphones to browse the web.
  • On-Page SEO – filling and optimizing meta tags, URL structure, and picture alt tags. 
  • Off-Page SEO – generating a maximum of backlinks from external websites.  

But the role of an SEO strategist goes beyond just optimizing websites. It also involves monitoring and analyzing performance, and adjusting strategies as needed. This requires a strong understanding of analytics tools, and the ability to interpret complex data and translate it into actionable strategies.

In a digital marketing team, an SEO strategist plays a crucial role. They are the ones who can ensure that the company’s online presence is not just visible, but also effective in attracting and engaging potential customers. They bridge the gap between a business and its online audience, helping to drive traffic, leads, and ultimately, sales.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working on a variety of SEO strategies for different companies. Each project has brought its own unique challenges and rewards. One of the most satisfying aspects of the job is seeing the tangible results of your efforts – whether it’s a significant increase in website traffic, a jump in search engine rankings, or a surge in online sales.

But the journey is not always smooth. SEO is a long-term strategy, and it often takes time to see results. It can be challenging to navigate the ever-changing landscape of search engine algorithms, and to keep up with the latest SEO trends and techniques. For instance, recent generative AI technologies (such as chat-GPT) are helping companies to generate “easy” content that still needs to be optimized and get backlinks into. 

These new challenges are what make the job so rewarding. There’s always something new to learn, and the thrill of overcoming obstacles and achieving success is what keeps me passionate about my role as an SEO strategist.

What does it takes to be an effective SEO strategist?

For this article, I’ve made a poll from different Linkedin and Reddit SEO communities about the traits that make a successful SEO strategist. I got 192 answers in a week and here are the results: 

  • Analytical Thinking (30%): The proficiency in utilizing SEO tools and analytics platforms is essential for the ability to analyze data and metrics, thereby informing strategic decisions..
  • Strategic Planning (25%): Crafting long-term SEO strategies that align with business objectives, while also possessing the foresight to anticipate and adapt to search algorithm changes, is crucial for navigating the dynamic landscape of search engine optimization.
  • Technical SEO Knowledge (15%): Grasping the technical facets of SEO, including site architecture, schema markup, and site speed optimization, coupled with the skill to effectively communicate these technical needs to developers, is fundamental for enhancing a website’s search engine performance.
  • Content Creation and Marketing (10%):  Even if now most companies have their own content managers, the art of crafting good and easy-to-read content represents a pivotal skill set in the realm of SEO.
  • Adaptability and Continuous Learning (10%): As SEO trends and algorithms change nearly every day, you need to maintain a competitive edge in the topic. 
  • Communication Skills (5%): The ability to articulate SEO strategies and their significance to non-technical stakeholders, underpinned by robust writing and presentation skills, is key to bridging the gap between complex SEO practices and business objectives.
  • Collaboration and Teamwork (5%): Collaborating efficiently with diverse teams, including content creators, web developers, and marketing experts, and possessing the leadership to inspire and guide these teams toward shared SEO objectives is fundamental – you can trust me on that one. 

Salary of an SEO strategist

The salary of an SEO strategist can vary greatly depending on their level of experience and the region they are based in:

  • In the USA:
    • A junior SEO strategist can expect to earn around $52,000 per year. 
    • A senior SEO strategist can earn up to $114,000 per year.
  • In Europe:
    • A junior SEO strategist can expect to earn around  €30,000 per year. 
    • A senior SEO strategist can earn between €60,000 and €80,000 per year.

The Freelance option

The cost of hiring a freelance international SEO strategist can vary widely based on their experience, expertise, and the complexity of the project. On platforms like Malt or Freelance.com, the daily rate for SEO experts can range from $450 to $800. 

It’s important to note that while freelancers may have a higher hourly rate, they can often bring a fresh perspective and specialized expertise that can provide significant value to your company.

Investing in an SEO strategist, whether in-house or freelance, can provide significant benefits for your company. Today, in 2024, you can’t expect to be visible – on any impactful keyword for your business – to be visible without someone dedicated to it !

By improving your website’s visibility on search engines, you can attract more organic traffic, generate more leads, and ultimately increase sales. While the cost can vary, the potential return on investment makes it a worthwhile consideration for any company looking to succeed in the digital age.

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