When I was 21, I did my first internship at an SEO agency. It was a rough experience. The agency had a whole army of interns like me, churning out low-quality reports and doing meaningless tasks. Most of our clients had no idea what SEO was or how it worked. They trusted the agency to handle everything, thinking it was some kind of magic. Back then, SEO was a lot more mysterious. Agencies often used confusing jargon and complex processes to make their services seem more valuable and harder to understand.

Finding a reliable digital marketing agency can be a game-changer for your business. But with so many out there, how do you choose the right one? This guide will help you navigate the process, ensuring you find a perfect match for your needs.

1. Define Your Goals

Before you even start looking for a SEO agency, you need to know what you want to achieve. It’s like planning a trip—you wouldn’t just pack your bags without knowing where you’re going, right?

Think about what your business really needs:

  • Do you want more traffic to your website? 
  • Are you trying to boost sales? 
  • Do you want to get your brand more noticed online? 

Write down your main goals and don’t hesitate to be specific (if your plan is to be TOP 3 on a list of 10 keywords, let it be!). This will help you find an agency that can meet your specific needs and not waste your time with services you don’t need.

Align these goals with what the agency offers. If they specialize in something that matches your objectives, you’re on the right track. Clear goals make it easier to measure success and keep everyone on the same page. So, take a moment to figure out what you really want before diving into your search.

2. Research Potential Agencies

Once you know your goals, it’s time to dig into finding the right SEO agency. Start by looking for agencies with a proven track record. Check their portfolios and case studies. See if they’ve worked with businesses similar to yours and achieved good results.

Client testimonials are gold.

Tips: Don’t focus on those featured directly on the website. If the agency is serious, they’d have a “Google Business” presentation with some real client testimonials on it.

Reach out to past clients and ask about their experiences. Were they happy with the communication? Did they see the results they were promised? This kind of first hand feedback can tell you a lot about what to expect.

Remember, the best agencies won’t just talk about their successes; they’ll show you. A solid history of happy clients and successful projects is a great sign you’re on the right path. Even without reaching them directly, do some google search on what you feel would be their main keywords and check if they manage to reach a high position on them (or not). 

3. Evaluate Their Expertise

When you’re looking at potential agencies, make sure they know their stuff (technical, user experience (UX), keywords, copywriting…). You want an agency that excels in the areas you need most.

Ask for specific examples of their work. Look at case studies that show how they’ve helped businesses like yours. Check if they have a team of specialists rather than just generalists. A diverse team with different expertise can offer better, more targeted strategies for your business.

Don’t be shy about asking tough questions

no… not that kind of questions…
  • How do they stay updated with the latest trends? 
  • What tools and techniques do they use? 

The right agency will be transparent and happy to share their knowledge, proving they can deliver the results you’re looking for. If they start using complicated words without explaining them, they may already try to fool you. The objective of using an agency should be to know what they’re doing with the money you invest with them.

4. Transparency and Communication

4. Transparency and Communication

Good communication is key when working with a SEO agency. You need an agency that keeps you in the loop with regular updates and clear reports. Ask them how they communicate their progress and what kind of reports they provide.

Transparency is also important. Make sure the agency is open about their strategies and the results they achieve. As I mentioned before, they should be willing to explain their processes in simple terms, without hiding behind jargon. This way, you’ll always know what’s happening and why.

A trustworthy agency will value your input and work with you as a partner, not just another client. You should be consulted. Don’t trust anyone who say you:

Prioritize agencies that are honest and keep you informed every step of the way.

5. Beware of Red Flags

When choosing a SEO agency, watch out for red flags

If an agency makes big promises like instant results or guarantees top rankings, be cautious. Good SEO takes time and effort. Remember my last article about it (cf: Is the role of SEO manager disappearing?): in 2024, no one is able to promise you TOP1 ranking… on practically every existing keyword. That’s the truth. 

Be wary of agencies that focus too much on low prices. You often get what you pay for, and cheap services can mean cutting corners. Also, if they aren’t transparent about their strategies or seem secretive, that’s a bad sign. 

A reliable agency will be open and honest, explaining their methods clearly.

In short, trust your gut. If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Take your time to choose an agency that’s honest and realistic about what they can achieve for your business.

6. Collaboration and Contract

Once you’ve found a promising agency, focus on how well you can work together. 

bad experience from SEO agency
here is a good example of a company you shouldn’t contract with

Collaboration is key. Make sure they listen to your ideas and involve you in strategy development. Your insights are valuable and should shape the marketing plan.

Review the contract carefully. It should clearly outline responsibilities, timelines, and deliverables. Understand what you’re getting into and ensure there’s mutual understanding of goals and expectations. A good agency will see you as a partner and be as committed to your success as you are.

Choosing the right SEO agency is a big decision, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

I know what you’re gonna say to me and I could have written a global resume with all the bad experiences friends and entrepreneurs contacts have experienced with “bad” SEO agencies. Like in every industries, you can find good and bad companies and take a good or bad choice opting for them. 

So, check out the article, take your time before choosing wisely and watch your business grow with the right partner by your side.

PS: If I’m not an agency myself (not wanting to get paid for it), I may use my extra long SEO experience to help some of you: just check my free SEO consultation service page. You won’t have to pay anything (before or after it).

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