Did you know that over 90% of businesses are now offshoring creative production and marketing services in 2024 – which represent a massive growth from an average of 66% over the preceding four years

Indeed, many marketing departments have used offshore services for temporary help or at least thought about it. Maybe is it also your case?

But this can have some serious consequences. This article is aimed for those departments, to help them decide: is it a good idea to relocate some of your marketing operations (like SEO, design) to offshore, more financially attractive countries like India?



Outsourcing to India can save companies a lot of money. Operational costs, including salaries and infrastructure, are much lower than in Europe or the US. This means you can get the same quality of work for a fraction of the cost.

Skilled Workforce

India has a vast pool of English-speaking professionals. The country produces a large number of marketing graduates and skilled workers each year, ready to offer their expertise.

Technological Advancements

India is at the forefront of technological advancements. With access to the latest digital tools and marketing software, Indian agencies can provide cutting-edge services that meet global standards.

So, yep… That’s true, the concept has its benefits… but it’s important to weigh these advantages against potential risks.


Quality Concerns

One major issue is the risk of subpar work. The rise of SEO and digital marketing scams means not all agencies deliver high-quality results. It’s essential to find genuine, skilled marketers.

Communication Barriers

Time zone differences can make communication tricky. Misunderstandings can happen due to cultural differences and varying communication styles.

Reliability and Trust Issues

Working with unverified agencies can be risky. The lack of stringent regulatory bodies overseeing digital marketing practices in India can lead to trust issues and unreliable service.

Considering these challenges is crucial before deciding to offshore your marketing operations. But there is globally a way to navigate though the vast offshore marketing market. And if you ask yourself if I myself already used these services in my marketing campaigns, the answer is “BIG YES”.

Did you think I would be one of those spitting his venom on offshore marketing? 

Nah… I’ve already used it on numerous occasions, for many different businesses with many successes and yep, that’s true, some fail as well. So let me give you a few pieces of advice to get out of most issues…

Best Practices

Okay… My first advice shouldn’t surprise you : start with thorough research. Vet potential agencies by checking their credentials, reviews, and past work.  That’s what I (and probably any other marketer on earth do). Due diligence helps you avoid scams and ensure quality service:

people per hour review example
A good (and serious) indicator – from People per hour

When you use platforms like “people per hour” of “fiverr”, falsifying or faking reviews is hard, nearly impossible I’d say so you can rely on it, opting for someone with a lot of projects concluded and positive reviews. 

When you’ve found your provider, I’d say that most important is to establish clear communication with him/her. From the beginning, set clear expectations – explain to him/her what you exactly want: detailed contracts outlining deliverables, timelines, and performance reviews. 

When the work has been started, ask for regular feedback sessions to help maintain quality and alignment with your goals.I’d recommend you (if the project is quite big or long to achieve) to use a project management tool (like Trello or Monday.com) to bridge time zone gaps, ensuring everyone stays on the same page. 

I know it’s easy from an EU / US point of view to feel overpowered when dealing with an offshore provider. You’re from a rich country, with a budget that would be considered as a treasure in your provider country but don’t forget they all are human beings with feelings, (bad) habits and their own ways to work. You’re, most likely, not their only customer either. So, to multiply your wins with offshore marketing, you better be clear with your expectations and processes from day 1. Otherwise your relationship could end up with endless mail talks and a low quality result (that you probably couldn’t use – been there many times).

Real-Life Examples

One notable success story involves Thanakorn Intajak, known as Scott, a web developer and UX/UI designer. Scott helped us redesign our website at boost.ai. He worked tirelessly, even during weekends, evenings, and public holidays, to deliver on time and within budget. Communication was seamless via email, where we provided precise guidelines from our local marketing team. Scott’s work was efficient and sharp, making the process smooth and effective.

Similarly, I once worked with an SEO netlinking provider in India, Akash Jayant, for a previous company. Netlinking is one of the most challenging and tedious tasks in SEO. Initially, I wrote some mails explaining the type of links we needed. Unlike many providers who deliver thousands of poor-quality links, this provider delivered a few high-quality backlinks. These links significantly improved our ranking, demonstrating the potential for success with the right offshore partner.

These examples highlight the importance of clear communication, thorough vetting, and setting precise expectations when working with offshore marketing professionals.

Offshore marketing in India offers many benefits, but the rise of digital marketing scams, especially on freelance platforms, is a serious concern. Many freelancers and small agencies promise great results but fail to deliver, often using complex jargon to mask their lack of expertise. This makes it crucial for businesses to be cautious and conduct thorough research when choosing an offshore partner. While cost savings and a skilled workforce are appealing, understanding and navigating the risks are key to making offshore marketing a successful strategy.

Even with the few pieces of advice I’ve given you, you may have your share of failures, and it’s OK. As we say in growth marketing: expect 90% of failures for 10% of successes. 

Online, you never know who you can really trust before… contracting with them and seeing. So, I won’t avoid you to do offshore marketing in India (or elsewhere) but encourage you to make your own mistakes until you find your gold nuggets, the profiles that would perfectly match with your company or objectives.

If you’re looking for advices to pick the right offshore marketing provider, just check this page for really free consultation.

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