Gen Z presents unique challenges and opportunities for marketers. On my own, more used to dealing with B2B customers, I can tell Gen Z is a mystery, a mystery I’d like to uncover…for you too 🙂.

Who Are They?

Generation Z, often referred to as Gen Z, represents the cohort of individuals born roughly between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. Unlike previous generations, who witnessed the rise of the internet and smartphones later in life, Gen Z has never known a world without constant connectivity. They are digital natives, seamlessly integrating technology into every aspect of their lives.

They are also highly socially conscious and value-driven. Growing up in a world marked by economic uncertainty, social upheaval, and environmental crises, Gen Z is passionate about making a positive impact on the world around them. They gravitate towards brands that share their values and are transparent about their social and environmental commitments.

Gen Z is also more likely into diversity and multiculturalism. With access to a vast array of information and perspectives online, Gen Z embraces diversity in all its forms and expects the same from the brands they support. They seek representation and inclusivity in marketing campaigns and are quick to call out brands that fail to meet their standards;

What Makes Them Tick?

Digital Natives and Tech Fluency:

Gen Z is comfortable navigating multiple devices and platforms, often using several simultaneously. This constant connectivity means they’re always on, always consuming, and always sharing content.

For marketers, this means meeting Gen Z where they are—on social media, streaming services, and gaming platforms—is crucial.

Authenticity and Transparency:

It has a finely tuned radar for inauthenticity. They value brands that are transparent, genuine, and real. They prefer raw, unfiltered content over polished, highly-produced pieces. They want to see behind the scenes, hear real stories, and engage with brands that are honest about their values and practices. Brands that can build trust through authenticity will win their loyalty.

Short Attention Spans and Instant Gratification:

Growing up in the fast-paced digital world, Gen Z is used to instant access to information and entertainment. They have shorter attention spans and prefer content that is quick, engaging, and to the point (I really should write an article about short video marketing…).

Influencer Recommendations:

Influencers hold significant sway over Gen Z’s purchasing decisions. They trust recommendations from people they follow online more than traditional advertising. Partnering with influencers who align with your brand values and leveraging user-generated content can be highly effective in reaching this audience. You’re a small company and you want to learn how to proceed, check my article about influencer marketing for startups.  

Quick Hacks for Success

Marketing to Gen Z doesn’t have to be daunting. I just thought about a list of quick growth marketing hacks you’d have the best chance at while targeting Gen Z:

  • Social Media: Meet Gen Z where they are but without overacting: just be on TikTok and Instagram and create (as mentioned before) engaging, platform-specific content that resonates with their preferences. 
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): There’s nothing more authentic than content created by their peers. So, without any big investment, you can start featuring customer stories (on your site and social media platforms). With additional time and experience, I’d rather set a process that collects and shares reviews automatically after every sale.
  • Influencers: Forget about multi-million subscriber influencers. Except if you’re working for a big international brand, opt for micro-influencers which can be highly effective due to their closer, more engaged communities. You can check my research article about influencer marketing for small business to learn more about it.
  • Snackable Content: Focus on creating bite-sized videos and do some meme marketing that can be consumed on the go. Keep your messages concise, visually appealing, and impactful. You can also opt for live videos to boost interaction and engagement at the same time. 
  • Real Transparency: I put real for “don’t fake it pretending you’re doing it”. Be open about your practices and any challenges you face. It’s like sharing behind-the-scenes content without being overly polished and scripted (don’t spend 10K with a calendar and a team if 5 minutes and a smartphone camera can do the job). 
  • Personalization: Use all data you may have about your prospects to tailor your marketing messages and offers to individual preferences. I’m not just talking about personalized emails, product recommendations or targeted ads but think about your whole strategy to deliver a personalized customer experience that can significantly enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Well, that’s it… I don’t know what I can add on that topic…

Maybe just remember that Gen Z is a bit different than any other market so it’s always useful to think twice when you’re planning marketing campaigns to reach them, so as KPIs which should probably more be focused on engagement (with likes, shares, comments and click-through rates), brand sentiment and, of course, ROI for any operation you do. 

People tend to believe that it’s impossible to retrain Gen Z customers (for many reasons explained before) but on the contrary, I think any company can forge genuine connections and drive long-term success with them – at least – trying one or two of these hacks before reaching such a conclusion. 

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