As a SEO strategist and manager, I’ve witnessed long-form content emerging as a powerful tool for engaging audiences, establishing authority, and driving organic traffic. For years, all SEO gurus have teached us that for blog posts “the longest = the best”

But as AI tools made those kinds of content easy to produce, is it still the case? How long should your blog post be to achieve the highest position in SERPs?

Why Size Matters?

Contrary to popular belief, today’s audiences are hungry for in-depth, valuable content that goes beyond the surface. Sure, our attention spans might be shorter in some contexts, but when it comes to topics we’re passionate about, we’re willing to invest the time to dive deep.

Long-form content allows you to explore complex topics in detail, providing your audience with valuable insights and information they can’t find elsewhere. 

Whether you’re tackling a niche industry trend or offering in-depth tutorials, long-form content positions you as a thought leader in your field and builds trust with your audience.

But it’s not just about quantity—it’s also about quality. Long-form content gives you the space to craft compelling narratives, share personal anecdotes, and inject your unique voice into your writing. This human touch sets your content apart from the sea of generic articles out there and creates a deeper connection with your readers.

Personal Opinion

As a professional, I believe that the ideal length for a blog post depends on various factors, including the topic, target audience, and competition within your niche. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, longer blog posts tend to perform better in terms of SEO for several reasons: 

  • Longer blog posts have more opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords and semantic variations naturally throughout the content, which can improve your chances of ranking for related search queries.
  • Longer blog posts often provide more comprehensive coverage of a topic, which can enhance user experience and increase the likelihood of earning backlinks from other websites. High-quality backlinks are a crucial ranking factor in search engine algorithms.

However, it’s essential to prioritize quality over quantity. Your blog posts should provide valuable information and insights to your readers, regardless of their length. If you can cover a topic thoroughly in 800 words, there’s no need to stretch it out to 2,000 words just for the sake of hitting an arbitrary word count.

For instance, I could have written this article (with the help of Chat GPT) and brought on 3 times more words but would you have read it? I don’t think so… So why would we lose that time?

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